Granulator Sonic

They allow the mechanism to function even under the highest loads

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Granulator Sonic - DENASMASH

Granulator Sonic is used for the production of fuel, fodder or other types of pellets, which are small cylinders of a given diameter (from 3 to 10 mm) and length (5-50 mm). You can install it in domestic environments, on farms and in industrial production. Granulation allows you to prepare compound feed with an optimal formulation. Ensures the introduction of liquid food additives and medicines, which significantly reduces the possibility of bacteria entering the feed. Increases the degree of digestibility of products and, as a result, guarantees faster fattening of animals, a reduction in the amount of waste, and also reduces losses during storage and transportation of compound feed.

You can also make fuel pellets using pellet mills. You can get them by processing wood waste and agricultural waste. Fuel pellets (pellets) have a higher energy density than firewood, less ash after combustion, and are more convenient to use and store.

You can granulate various materials. However, you should know that for each raw material, it is necessary to develop its own production technology, which will differ depending on many parameters: composition, humidity, fat content, temperature, and storage method.

Granulator Sonic – principle of operation

The principle of operation of the granulator is to squeeze the raw material through the holes (spindles) of the matrix with rollers. The process compresses finely divided material in the gap between the pressing rolls and the matrix surface. Heat, moisture, and pressure transform the material into a thermoplastic state, pushing it through the matrix dies. A knife cuts off the extruded granules, which fall onto the ejector disc. The granules, at a temperature of 50-70 ˚C, are then expelled from the granulator via the tray.

Basic technical parameters

Parameter nameA unit of measurementValue
1. Type of granulatorWith a rotating matrix
2. Drive typeElectric motor
3. The number of revolutions of the matrixrev/min180-280
4. Productivitykg/h250-500
5. Installed capacitykW15
6. Overall dimensions: length, width, height  mm mm mm  2140 1771 1919
7. Маsskg410

Generalized requirements for raw materials

  • The optimal humidity is about 15%
  • The raw material fraction should be 1 mm smaller than the diameter of the holes in the matrix

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